Thursday, September 3, 2009

This is a new month, with new things to think about.

Here is the table of contents of our latest offerings! More info on the events after the break.

Wed, 9th 6-7pm Wayne Curtis goes over Basic Acoustic Guitar Repair (bring your guitar!)
Tues, 15th 6-7pm Missy Dupreast teaches Live Sound
Wed, 23rd 10am-noon a hearing conservation workshop at UL
Wed, 23rd 5:30-7pm Allison Bohl presents Lighting For Film...with what you can buy at a hardware store
Wed, 30th 6-7pm Brian Richard will talk about Digital Photography (bring your camera!)


Wed, 9th 6-7pm Wayne Curtis goes over Basic Acoustic Guitar Repair (bring your guitar!)
Wayne taught the electric guitar repair class last month, three people brought guitars, some unplayable, and left with total jammers. It was really awesome! So if you have an acoustic that needs some TLC from a pro, bring it in next week and have Wayne teach us all what to do to make it sound the best it can. If we have time, he will be your guitar’s Registered Nurse for the night, too.

Tues, 15th 6-7pm Missy Dupreast teaches Live Sound
Missy teaches at the ULL music dept and decided it’s just not enough, so she’s gonna do something here, too! Missy will bring in a PA and mixer from Show & Tell Productions and show us how to set it up, use it, and if we are lucky how to wrap up cables. If you are interested in putting on your own shows, touring, or just want an intro into live sound, this is for you.

Wed, 23rd 10am-noon Dr. Willey, a really great music prof over at UL, has organized a hearing conservation workshop that is free and open to the public! Definitely worth checking out, will happen on UL campus. More info at

Wed, 23rd 5:30-7pm Allison Bohl presents Lighting For Film...with what you can buy at a hardware store
We all love Allison’s classes here at the Co-Op, and are excited for her encore lighting for film class. The last one focused on what you could do with expensive equipment you can rent, but this time Allison will talk about things you can buy down the street on an affordable budget to make professional lighting.

Wed, 30th 6-7pm Brian Richard will talk about Digital Photography (bring your camera!)
Brian is a man who wears many artistic hats, but his specialty by schooling is in photography. Just back from doing film work in Australia, Brian is going to talk about how to take the best photos with digital cameras. Feel free to bring yours in so he can specify what he talks about to the needs of those attending.

Want to learn Photoshop? Just a reminder we have a man who wants to help you learn! Local photographer Jason Cohen is available for one on one lessons with anyone interested in perfecting their image editing skills. Give me a buzz if you wanna make an appointment with him!